I Need Your Help // August 2016 Update

Hola, amigos!

It’s been a little over three weeks since my last trip to El Salvador with a missions team from Rock City. If you missed my last update, you can read about the trip (and see pictures of some really cute kids) here.



I’m coming up quickly on the finish line in raising 100% of the monthly support needed to fund my missions work! Here’s what the next couple of months looks like:

September 19: Leave for Colorado for a 4-week cultural training.
October 15: Return to Ohio for final preparations and goodbyes before I move.
October 29: Proposed moving date!

How’d I come up with this timeline?

While in El Salvador earlier this month, I was able to touch base with my supervisor and lead pastor, Victor Turcios, and his wife Silvia, who is the director of our Children’s Development Centers. We discussed a specific timeline for my move, and we landed on the first week of November! This would allow me to immediately begin planning for what the English program will look like when we launch it in early 2017. We are also hosting a missions team that arrives on October 29, and I’d love to make my way down there in time to help with that. With moving by early November, I will also reacquaint myself with the staff at our Development Centers and bond more with the now over 200 children in our program before the end of the year!

God has been incredibly faithful in the ways he has provided for me this month. In just three short weeks, I’ve raised almost half of the monthly gifts I still need. But, I am still in need of $306 in monthly, recurring gifts to fully fund my missions work and get myself back to El Salvador full-time, on-time! 

What does this really mean?

I need 3 people to join my team at $100/month (or some combination of $300 in monthly support) plus another kind soul to close the gap at $6/month.

The rest of August I have spent praying constantly and working hard towards my goal to be 100% funded before I leave for COMPASS cultural training in Colorado Springs, Colorado on September 19. I will return to Ohio from training on October 15, so that would only leave me a couple of weeks to wrap everything up in the States before heading to El Salvador.
By reaching 100% before I leave for training, I would be able to focus on learning everything they have to teach me in preparation for my move-since that is, ultimately, why I am going! I will also be able to spend my limited free time in Colorado making concrete travel plans for the move. If I don’t finish raising support before training, it is extremely likely that my moving date would be postponed until the end of November or early December.


As part of my team, I please ask that you:

  • Pray! Pray for the remaining amount of support needed to come in before I leave for Colorado in just 18 days.
  • If you are not already, prayerfully consider joining my financial support team on a recurring basis. I have already met my one-time gifts goal (praise the Lord!), and I am looking specifically for recurring support at this time.
  • If you already support me on a recurring basis, prayerfully consider increasing your giving.
  • Let me know of any friends or family that you feel would be interested in hearing more about my missions work in El Salvador and possibly becoming part of my team. You can send along their information by filling out this form.

New or existing donors can set-up a recurring gift by visiting reliant.org/ali.howard and selecting “Give Now”.


Lastly, and most sincerely, I want to thank you so much for all of your support. I do not say this lightly: without you this ministry would not be possible. God has hand-picked each of you to support me in many different ways, and I could not have begun to pick a better team myself.

We are so close – we can do this!

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. // Philippians 1:4-6 (NIV)

Que Dios los bendiga,

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